As a salon, you will see such a variety of hair that finding the right products for each hair type can be challenging. At Salon Business Solutions, we want to help ensure that you provide only the best for your clients while promoting ethical values with your products.
Shampoos are the best place to start when dealing with hair, as whatever treatment your clients are coming into your salon for, they will likely undergo a relaxing wash before styling. However, making sure they get the right products can be complicated. Today, we explore the vast range of shampoos available which will help you match the right hair type to a product that will offer the best outcome.
There could be several reasons why hair may be more prone to grease than others; however, overwashing is one of the top reasons why most clients struggle with greasy hair. Daily washing rinses away all the natural oils from hair, which encourages the scalp to produce more to compensate for the lost oils. How often you should wash your hair has been an ongoing debate amongst the community, but with the right shampoo, you can help minimise the oil build-up, regardless of how often it gets washed.
Another common occurrence is washing hair incorrectly. The oils produced come from the scalp, so whilst clients may be limiting their regular hair washing, applying your conditioner to their scalp will add excess oils to their heads. Advise clients only to use shampoo on their scalp and leave the conditioner to the ends of their hair to limit the oil build-up.
If ongoing greasy hair is an issue, as their hairdresser, why not recommend a dry shampoo? Instead of continuous washing to keep hair looking luscious and non-greasy, dry shampoo will absorb any moisture and offer a stunning look every day. It will also help prevent the never-ending washing cycle, incurring even more oil build-up.
Recommended product - O&M Dry Queen Dry Shampoo
Flat or fine hair can be a sore subject for many men and women. There are many contributions to fine hair or loss of hair, resulting in flat hairstyles and lifeless looks, including:
For whatever reason, a person may struggle to get volume to their luscious locks; there are many revival options to help.
How it’s blow-dried could add significant volume to a client's hair. Using a heated brush encourages the hair to take a thicker appearance. For example, if you have got to the drying stage and notice a significant lack of volume and thickness in your client's hair, consider using our B.R.U.S.H 40mm. This heated brush paired with a volumising shampoo can offer a significant improvement in the fullness of hair. There are many shampoos to help improve the volume of the hair, but finding one that can boost the style without weighing it down can be challenging. Luckily Nine Yards offers a lightweight shampoo to give hair that all-essential lift without being too heavy.
Recommended product – NINE YARDS Go Loud Volume Shampoo
Curly hair, when tamed, can offer a beautiful and bouncy appearance, but keeping those stunning curls under control can be challenging, and it can quickly turn into a frizzy mess. The most prominent problem curls face is lack of moisture. Even the most gorgeous curls can look wiry without hydration, so locking in the moisture is essential.
A strict hair care routine is the best way to ensure curls stay full of moisture and lock in natural oils that they need to look sleek and shiny. We recommend regular hair repair treatment every couple of weeks to keep curls in tip-top shape. SBS has a range of hair repair treatments that can easily be added to regular hair maintenance routines and would work well to keep curls looking stunning. For example, our EVERYGREEN Anti-Frizz Mask provides essential natural ingredients to repair any dried-out or damaged hair.
Regarding shampoos, choosing vegan salon products offers the best way to lock in any hydration and prevent stripping the hair of natural oils, which harsh chemicals often can do. Using all-natural ingredients provides the best chance to avoid dryness and frizzing from washing hair. The main ingredients to look for when finding the perfect shampoo are coconut oil and almond oil, which both offer excellent hydration qualities.
Recommended product - EVERYGREEN Dry Hair Shampoo
Although most people dream of having beautiful thick hair, much like curly hair, it can be tricky to manage without the proper care. Although under most circumstances, concentrating on the scalp is usually all that is necessary, with thicker hair, massaging the product through the length can also prevent missing any spots in the hair.
There are many struggles faced when dealing with thick hair, including matting and longer drying times, but the most significant is the amount of product needed. Whether it’s the issue of washing at home or a regular visit to the salon, the biggest mistake often made with thick hair is using too much of the incorrect product. Using products that strip the hair of natural oils is best avoided when dealing with this hair type. Again, like with curly hair, natural and cruelty-free professional shampoo is the best way to tame any mane.
Regular hydration is essential for thicker hair to keep it looking sleeky and smooth, and once you have found the right shampoo to do this, you may find yourself running out of product less. You will need a shampoo that increases the moisture within the strands to prevent them from becoming too dry, resulting in matting and frizz. Natural oils and ingredients are the best options for achieving silky and luscious thick hair.
Recommended products - NINE YARDS repair shampoo
As a leading supplier of professional hair products in the UK, we offer a vast collection of shampoos and conditioners for all hair types. Our range of O&M shampoo caters for everyone and offers many benefits to salons.
So whether you are looking for a brand to recommend to clients or a new range of vegan shampoos or conditioners which perform well for all kinds of hair, we can help. Our products are available online and are mostly vegan and cruelty-free to allow you to make a more environmentally friendly purchase.